WordPress Free Blogging Platform
WordPress is Open Source Blogging Tool With Big Dev Community
WordPress is Open Source Blogging Platform, with a thriving developer community. It has a wide range of free templates, free plugins, and landing page plugins.
WordPress is open source and popular website building and blogging software. Over the years it has evolved from a blogging platform to a content management system and an application development framework. A very huge number of online websites today run on WordPress. It allows anyone with no development experience to build websites. It gives you full control over the design and functionality of your website.
Whether you want to create a blog, website, or want to sell online, WordPress gives you all the tools and features. It has an extensive plugin repository with thousands of WordPress plugins available to enhance your WordPress experience.
Unlike its competitors like Wix, Weebly, or Squarespace, WordPress is open source and 100% free and this makes it the number one choice of the businesses. Not just it’s free it has a large development community, probably the biggest developer community for any software available online. This developer community is actively building plugins and themes for WordPress.
Even though Joomla is also a free content management system, but when you compare WordPress vs Joomla, WordPress has a major advantage over Joomla because of the simple nature and easy architecture of the platform. It. No matter what sort of website you want to build, there is a probability that an existing WordPress plugin is already available. For example, if you want to build an online shop using WordPress there are a huge number of popular shopping cart plugins available for WordPress like WooCommerce, EasyCart, TheCartPress, and a lot more. Not just the shopping cart, literally in every domain there is a plugin available like for user-management you can use BuddyPress.
Because of its popularity, WordPress is the first choice of developers to write their own add-ons to extend the functionality of WordPress. Plugin development for WordPress has become an industry. Lots of online software stores are explicitly selling paid and free WordPress Blog Themes and Plugins. At the time of writing this overview, there are more than 56,000 plugins available in the WordPress.org plugins directory.
WordPress has a web template system by means of a template processor. Its architecture is a front controller, routing all requests for non-static URIs to a single PHP file which analyses the URI and recognizes the target page. This allows support for more human-readable permalinks. WordPress is written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or Maria DB database.
- PHP version 7.4 or latest
- MySQL version 5.6 or latest Or MariaDB version 10.1 or latest
- HTTPS / SSL Certificate Support
- Apache or Nginx as these are the most reliable and powerful servers for WordPress otherwise you can install any server as long as its support PHP and MySQL
WordPress is the background behind many of the websites and blogs which users visit every day. WordPress is an influential semantic publishing platform, and it comes with an unlimited set of features planned to make users capability as a publisher on the Internet equally easy, pleasing, and attractive. There are other following features which makes WordPress one the most easy and useable interface for its users.
Easy to Use
WordPress is very easy to use because it provides you a quick access to your online content and get published it very quickly. WordPress is primarily built for to manage your content very quickly and efficiently.
Landing Pages for WordPress
Landing pages for WordPress are very popular. WordPress Provides you platform where you can build landing pages. Landing page gives you an opportunity to reach out to the potential customers of your business.
Free Themes for WordPress
Wordpress is a platform where you can install a theme free of cost. The theme will provide you an instant look of your desire website. The only task you can perform on WordPress is just put your ready content on the theme and all other management tasks are performed by the WordPress its self in one go. Paid themes are also available. You can get your theme on WordPress.org. Themes for WordPress are widely available for free.
Free Plugins for WordPress
WordPress also provide you a chance to add some custom features on your website in the form of plugins. The WordPress has both free and paid plugins which can you visit on WordPress.org. Plugins for WordPress are widely available for free.
With the help of WordPress, user can generate any type of website, an individual blog or website, a professional portfolio, a magazine or news website, a photo blog, a business website, a government website, , an online community, even a network of websites. User can create own website attractive with themes, and extend it with plugins and even can build a very own application.
Multilingual Support for WordPress
One of the most flexible features is that user can use WordPress in so many different languages. Users can access more than 70 languages. It permits translating the whole content into the language chosen by the user.
Installation Guide
Installation using Github
Download WordPress from Github
- Unzip the package in an empty directory and upload everything.
- Open wp-admin/install.php in your browser. It will take you through the process to set up a
file with your database connection details. - If for some reason this doesn’t work, don’t worry. It doesn’t work on all web hosts. Open up
with a text editor like WordPad or similar and fill in your database connection details. - Save the file as
and upload it. - Open wp-admin/install.php in your browser.
- Once the configuration file is set up, the installer will set up the tables needed for your site. If there is an error, double check your
file, and try again. If it fails again, please go to the WordPress support forums with as much data as you can gather. - If you did not enter a password, note the password given to you. If you did not provide a username, it will be
. - The installer should then send you to the login page. Sign in with the username and password you chose during the installation. If a password was generated for you, you can then click on “Profile” to change the password.
Installation using Docker
Install the Docker packages with the apt command below:
apt-get install docker.io
When the installation has finished, start docker and add it to run at the system boot time with the systemctl command:
systemctl start docker
systemctl enable docker
Next, check the Docker version with this docker command:
docker version
docker run hello-world
Setup the MariaDB Container
In this step, we will download a new MariaDB images from the docker registry and create a new container based on that image. We will configure a new database and user for the WordPress installation.
Download the Docker MariaDB image to the system with the Docker pull command:
docker pull mariadb
Now you can see the new docker MariaDB image with the command below:
docker images
Next, create a new container from the MariaDB image for the WordPress installation. Before creating the new container, create a new directory for the WordPress data, database directory, and the WordPress code directory.
mkdir ~/wordpress
mkdir -p ~/wordpress/database
mkdir -p ~/wordpress/html
Now create the new MariaDB container with name ‘wordpressdb’ with the command below:
docker run -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=aqwe123 -e MYSQL_USER=wpuser -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=wpuser@ -e MYSQL_DATABASE=wordpress_db -v /root/wordpress/database:/var/lib/mysql --name wordpressdb -d mariadb
TheMariaDBriadb container has been created, now check the new user and the database for the WordPress installation to ensure there is no error with command on top.
From the host machine, check the wordpressdb container IP address with docker command below:
docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' wordpressdb
Next, connect to the wordpressdb container with mysql command from the host system:
mysql -u wpuser -h -p
The new Docker container, MySQL user, and the MySQL database for WordPress have been successfully created.
Setup the Wordpress Container
Once the database container has been created, download the latest WordPress docker image with the docker pull command:
docker pull wordpress:latest
When the download has finished, create a new container from the images with the name ‘wpcontainer’.
docker run -e WORDPRESS_DB_USER=wpuser -e WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD=wpuser@ -e WORDPRESS_DB_NAME=wordpress_db -p 8081:80 -v /root/wordpress/html:/var/www/html --link wordpressdb:mysql --name wpcontainer -d wordpress
To see the WordPress container running, you can check it with the curl command on the host IP and port 8081.
curl -I
You will see the results:
- The web server is Apache, running on the Debian.
- PHP 5.6 is running in the container.
- You see the redirect to the WordPresss installation.