Hexo Free Blogging Platform
Fast and Easy Static Site Generator and Blogging Platform
Generating a new blog with Hexo is really fast. Hexo truly lives up to it’s name as a simple and fast static site generator.
Static Site Generators are a new, hybrid approach to web development that allow you to build a powerful, server-based website locally on your computer but pre-builds the site into static files for deployment. Static site generators are growing in popularity among developers. And, Hexo is one of the best choices available.
Hexo is blazing fast and backed by Node.js’s powerful runtime. Hundreds of files take only seconds to build. All features of GitHub Flavored Markdown are supported. One command deployment is one of the best features of Hexo.
Hexo comes with a powerful API. Therefore, allows unlimited possibilities of extensibility. Various plugins are available to support most template engines (EJS, Pug, Nunjucks, and many others). Easily integrate with existing NPM packages (Babel, PostCSS, Less/Sass, etc). It has huge library of spectacular, feature-packed and customizable themes. You an create your own using any compatible template engines.
Installing Hexo is quite easy and only requires the following beforehand:
- Node.js (Should be at least Node.js 10.13, recommends 12.0 or higher)
- Git
- Blazing Fast - Node.js brings you incredible generating speed. Hundreds of files take only seconds to build.
- Markdown Support - All features of GitHub Flavored Markdown are supported. You can even use most Octopress plugins in Hexo.
- One-Command Deployment - You only need one command to deploy your site to GitHub Pages, Heroku or other sites.
- Various Plugins - Hexo has a powerful plugin system. You can install more plugins for Jade, CoffeeScript plugins.
Installation Guide
Once all the requirements are installed, you can install Hexo with npm:
$ npm install -g hexo-cli
Advanced installation and usage
Advanced users may prefer to install and use hexo package instead.
$ npm install hexo
Once installed, you can run Hexo in two ways:
npx hexo
- Linux users can set relative path of
echo 'PATH="$PATH:./node_modules/.bin"' >> ~/.profile
then run Hexo using hexo