Blender Open Source Video Editing Software
Cycles Render Engine Based Free Video Editing Application
Blender provides a built-in video sequence editor. This free video making tool comes up with wide range of features such as video cuts, video masking and more.
Blender is an open source free editing app for video. It is based on Video Sequence Editor that works with the Blender. There are options to combine multiple video channels and add effects. This free tool provides high-quality animations. It lets you integrate different video clips and apply various fades and effects to create the final video. Moreover, you can synchronize the audio with the video.
This open source video editing software comes with the main views, sequencer, preview, and sequencer/preview. Further, there is an option to enable to disable Video Sequence Editor. In addition, there is tow type of cache in this free software RAM cache and disk cache. It offers a very logical and user-friendly user interface.
Blender is written in C, C++, and Python with complete documentation regarding deployment and development. Moreover, this editing app for video provides rigging, animation, rendering, 3D pipeline modeling, compositing, simulation, and motion tracking. This open source video editor can be deployed on all popular platforms such as macOS, Windows, and Linux.
System Requirements
Requirements to set up Blender include:
- Linux / Windows / macOS Version 10.13 High Sierra or Newer
- Xcode
- Git
- CMake
- Svn
Blender offers the following key features:
- Open Source
- Live preview
- Audio mixing
- Waveform Visualization
- Effects And Animations
- Speed Control
- Transitions
- Layers Adjustments
- Filters
- Syncing
- Keyframes
- Support For Adding Images
Installation Instructions
Once pre-requisites are installed, run the following command to create directory for the source code.:
mkdir ~/blender-git
cd ~/blender-git
Now, run the following command to clone the source code files:
git clone https://git.blender.org/blender.git
After that, run the following commands:
cd blender
make update
Then, build Blender by running the following command in the terminal:
cd ~/blender-git/blender
Finally, upon a successful build, you can find Blender.app ready to run in ~/blender-git/build_darwin/bin.
Is Blender good for video editing?
Blender is an open source software that provides video editing capabilities along with wide range of features such as 3D models creation, animations, effects and more.
Is Blender video editor free?
Yes, Blender is completely free video making tool.
Can you make movies in Blender?
Yes, you can make animated movies using this open source video editor. However, it offers live preview and filters to make professional movies.
Is Blender easy for beginners?
Beginners can start video editing using this open source video editing software. Moreover, it comes with comprehensive documentation.
Does Blender edit 4k?
Yes, Blender has the capacity to edit 4k video on almost any computer.