Elgg Free Social Network Platform
An Award-Winning Solution To Build Social Network Platform
Elgg offers an enterprise-level collaborative platform for social web apps. It exposes documented API, offers plugins and security using cryptographic methods.
Elgg is a free open source social collaboration tool for enterprises. It comes with self-hosting capabilities and provides powerful features to build an open source social network application. In addition, this free social network platform is lightweight and exposes well documented API for integrations with third-party apps. Further, there are thousands of plugins available that users can install as per functionality needed. Moreover, this social networking engine provides strict security and authentication mechanism using lasted techniques.
This free collaborative platform offers wide range of features such as notification service, access control system, extendable system of views, file storage, cacheable system of static assets and many more. Therefore, Elgg is easy to setup and provides an intuitive user interface where users can navigate easily.
After that, this free social collaboration tool is written in PHP. Therefore, there is comprehensive documentation available regarding development and deployment.
Elgg offers the following key features:
- Plugins
- Cryptography Based Security
- Notification Service
- File Storage
- Hooks and Events
- Access control system
- Documented API
- User Authentication
Installation Instructions
Once all the pre-requisites are installed, download the code from this Link.
Then, unzip the files in your domain’s document root.
Finally, access the application into the browser and follow the setup wizard.
Is Elgg free?
Yes, this social collaboration tool is free and provides easy procedures to set up on servers.
Is Elgg open source?
Elgg is open source and comes with comprehensive documentation regarding development and deployment.
What is Elgg framework?
Elgg is a free social networking engine that is used to build any social environment for campus, organization or any specific team.
Is Elgg secure?
In fact, this open source collaborative platform is highly secure. Moreover, it offers built-in anti CSRF validation, strict XSS filters, and HMAC signatures.
Does Elgg offer plugins?
Yes, there are thousands of plugins that are available for extra functionality.