SprintApp Free Project Management Software
Ruby based Project Management Software for Time Tracking
Open source project management tool and time tracking software. SprintApp is free to use and simple to setup so you can focus on running your business.
SprintApp is a professional free project management software written using the Ruby on Rails framework with many features. SprintApp flexible project management web-based application has made project management and time tracking easy.SprintApp free project management tool is easy to use so that you can focus on what you do best while running your business. Redmine is great for some companies or teams, but it is difficult to use and doesn’t look that great as SprintApp pms. SprintApp solves those issues and many more.
SprintApp project management software works around tickets, tickets are grouped together into milestones, and milestones are scheduled for a sprint project. unlinke other free project management tools like redmine, SprintApp is easy to setup, elegant and get started. SprintApp open source project management tool was designed to run in the cloud or on dedicated hardware system. If you are looking for a hosting solution for SprintApp then we prefer Heroku for hosting.
System Requirements
In order to install SprintApp open source project management tool, you’ll need to install following dependencies and prerequisites:
- Rails 3.2.13
- Ruby 1.9.3
- Bundler
- ActiveAdmin
- Carrierwave
- CanCan
- PostgreSQL
- Apache / Nginx
- Sublime Text / RubyMine editor
- Git
Some of the great list of features of project management tools free SprintApp are listed below, including clock in/out functionality, reporting and more.
- Calendar View
- Sprint planning
- Multiple teams
- Issue Tracking
- Time Tracking with billable hours
- Client and Contact Management
- Reporting
- Open Source
Install SprintApp pms on Ubuntu
Install and configure the necessary dependencies packages. SprintApp project management software is easy to setup and get started. To get started with SprintApp on Heroku quickly, see our Deploying to Heroku Guide https://github.com/macfanatic/SprintApp/wiki/Deploying-to-Heroku.
Clone the repo to your computer or server
git clone git://github.com/macfanatic/SprintApp.git sprint_app
cd sprint_app
Configure your database for use with the Rails app
cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml
Run bundler
bundle install --without production
Create and seed the database with default data and a user account
bundle exec rake db:setup
Kick up a server with foreman running at localhost:5000
bundle exec foreman start
Follow the configuration wizard steps and you have your OpenProject website ready to use. Login using default username: admin@example.com and password: password
There are a few ways you can customize SprintApp for your needs.
Configure Carrierwave for Amazon S3
Edit the from address for Devise in the existing initializer
Edit the SMTP settings for outgoing mail, needed to email notifications of ticket updates for the production environment.
Congratulations! You have successfully installed SprintApp free project management tool. Enjoy!
What is SprintApp used for?
SprintApp is project management web application and time tracking software. It is easy to setup, simple to get started, elegant and designed to run in the cloud or on dedicated hardware.
Is SprintApp free?
Yes, SprintApp is free to use and download project management tool for running your business.
Is SprintApp open source?
Yes, SprintApp is open source project management software. SprintApp source code repository is available at Github.
In what language is SprintApp written?
SprintApp is written in Ruby programming language.
Is SprintApp a good project management tool?
SprintApp gives your team the power of an open source project management tool. SprintApp is good for issue tracking , sprint planning, reporting and time tracking.