Superpowers Free Game Development Software
Video Game Editor For Creating Customized 2D & 3D Games
Free 3D game builder with built-in support of license-free sprites, sound effects, and live error reporting. It also provides a wide range of game examples.
Superpowers is an open source free game development platform. It lets game developers write code in TypeScript for building video games. This free tool is flexible and provides the HTML5 development environment with syntax highlighting, and code auto competition. There is complete support for 3D modeling and sound effects in this free game editor. It also provides an offline version for making games. Moreover, users can invite other users to work on a shared project. It is highly extensible and comes with easy integration with plugins.
This open source free game engine is cross-platform and supports almost all popular operating systems such as Windows, OS X, and Linux. Further, there are built-in games libraries and examples that make game development easy for beginners. Once the project is ready, users can publish it with one click residing o the user interface. This easy free game editor provides an intuitive dashboard with logical navigation.
Superpowers is written in TypeScript. Therefore, this free game development platform has detailed documentation regarding development, usage, and deployment. You can download the source code and deploy it on your own premises.
System Requirements
Requirements to setup Superpowers include:
- Git / Node.js
- Visual Studio Code (optional)
Superpowers offers the following key features:
- Flexible
- Syntax Highlighting
- Extensible
- Support for 3D Models
- Sound Effects, Fonts
- Live Error Reporting
- Cross-Platform
- 2D, 3D Games
- Support For Shared project
Installation Instructions
Once all the pre-requisites are installed, run the following command in the terminal to clone the source code:
git clone https://github.com/superpowers/superpowers-core superpowers/core
After that, run the following commands to make build:
cd superpowers/core
npm run build
Now, start the server if all goes well by running this command:
node server start
Finally, you can access the application into the browser at this address http://localhost:4237/.
Is Superpowers free?
In fact, this game development platform is free and comes with self-hosting capabilities.
Is Superpowers easy to host?
Superpowers is easy to deploy on a server. Further, you may check Github for complete details.
Is Superpowers open source?
Superpowers is open source. Moreover, it provides complete documentation regarding development and deployment.
Does Superpowers support 3D games?
Yes, this free game editor is used to build 2D & 3D video games. In addition, it offers live error reporting, sounds, effects, and many other cool features.
Is Superpowers extensible?
Superpowers is highly extensible and offers integrations.