Solidus is an open-source eCommerce solution built with Ruby on Rails

solidus Shopping Cart Software

Ruby Based Fully Customizable and Flexible eCommerce Platform

Solidus is a complete open-source eCommerce solution for fast growing online businesses, complex storefronts and big retailers.


Solidus is a complete and very flexible open source eCommerce platform built using Ruby on Rails and maintained by a community of developers. It is a fork of Spree tool with 3.4K GitHub stars and 1K GitHub forks. To get the most out of Solidus, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with Ruby on Rails, as well as the Ruby programming language beforehand. Solidus open source platform is supported by the community and it encourages everyone using Solidus to contribute back to the source code.

Solidus allows you build your store on top of a complete eCommerce suite that takes you to market in no time. Customize every part of the store, both the storefront part and the admin panel back-end. Solidus customizations are very easy to implement, even for inexperienced developers. Others may require a solid understanding of the Ruby and Ruby on Rails development that power Solidus. There are different types of customization that are possible using Solidus. Because Solidus is a Rails engine, much of what the Rails Guide on Engines explains applies directly to Solidus.

Below guideline provides a foundation for web developers to learn and build out Solidus eCommerce store.

System Requirements

Solidus is fully customizable eCommerce platform, built on the shared knowledge of brands.

  • Rails 5.0.0 or newer
  • Ruby 2.2.2 or newer
  • SQLite 3
  • ImageMagick
  • bundler
  • Linux 64-bit distributions supporting APT


Solidus offers a complete suite of essential eCommerce features out of the box in a fully modular package. Take what you need, leave what you don’t, and customize any of the built-in features to your requirements.

  • Frontend Starter
  • RESTful API
  • GraphQL API
  • Admin Backend
  • Extensions
  • Payment Integrations
  • Easy Extensibility
  • Inventory Management
  • Product Management
  • Taxonomy Management
  • Open Source You Can Trust


Install Solidus on Linux (Debian-based)

Making sure you have Imagemagick installed, which is required for Paperclip.To add solidus, begin with a Rails 5/6 application and a database configured and created. Clone the Git repo and install the gem dependencies.

    git clone git://
    cd solidus

For Solidus v2.11 and above, Add the following to your Gemfile.

    gem 'solidus'

Run the bundle command to install.

    bundle install

After installing gems, you’ll have to run the generator to create necessary configuration files and migrations.

    bin/rails g solidus:install

Start the Rails server with the command to access solidus store

    bin/rails s

The solidus_frontend storefront will be accessible at http://localhost:3000/ and the admin can be found at http://localhost:3000/admin/.

You may notice that your Solidus store runs slowly in development mode. This can be because in development each CSS and JavaScript is loaded as a separate include. This can be disabled by adding the following to config/environments/development.rb.

    Rails.application.configure do
      config.assets.debug = false

The default user and password are and test123, respectively. There are also options and rake tasks provided by solidus_auth_devise.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed Solidus store and now customize any of the built-in features to your heart’s desire.
