Best Open Source DevOps Tools

DevOps Tools Open Source Products

Best Open Source DevOps Tools

DevOps technologies bring development and operations teams together by combining software development and IT operations. It focuses on constant service delivery

Tools Used In DevOps Include

DevOps Tool Portainer Portainer is a powerful and lightweight contianer management UI which allows you to easily build, manage, and maintain Swarm and Kubernetes environments.
DevOps Tool Apache Mesos Apache Mesos is a cluster manager that provides efficient resource isolation and sharing across distributed environments. It also handles workloads of databases
DevOps Tool Kubernetes Kubernetes also known as Kube is an open source container orchestration system used to automate deployment, scaling, and management of containerized application
DevOps Tool OpenShift Redhat OpenShift is industry standard Kubernetes distribution and a family of containerization software products. It focuses on user experience and app security.
DevOps Tool Compose An application can consist of multiple containers running different services. Docker Compose is a useful tool that helps to speed up the multi-container process.