Database Management Open Source Products
Best Open Source Database Management Tools
Database management tool is basically a management console or an interface used by developers to interact with and manage databases.
Top Database Management Tools Include
Database Management Tool
phpMyAdmin is a free and open source management tool for MySQL and MariaDB. It is primarily for PHP based web apps. It is the most popular MySQL management tool.
Database Management Tool
Adminer is used to manage content of MySQL databases. It is a light-weight database management tool. Other than MySQL, Adminer also supports SQLite, PostgreSQL, Oracle, etc.
Database Management Tool
Free and open source database management tool for administration of all popular databases. Supports cloud data-sources and enterprise security standard.
Database Management Tool
CUBRID is a free DBMS software, consisting of the database server, the broker, and the CUBRID Manager. It provides high level of SQL compatibility with MySQL and other databases.
Database Management Tool
HeidiSQL provides a GUI to manage data and structures of various database management systems including MariaDB, Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite.
Database Management Tool
Sequel Pro
Sequel Pro is an open-source and 100% free database management application to work with MySQL & MariaDB databases on MacOS.
Database Management Tool
Sqlectron is an open-source and 100% free database management application to work with MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and many other relational databases.