Snipe-IT Free CMDB Software
Cross-Platform Open Source CMDB Tool Supported By AWS
Free multilingual configuration management software with SAML support. It offers REST API for integrations with many popular apps such as Slack, and LDAP.
Snipe-IT is an open source asset management software. It is free and comes with self-hosted capabilities. This open source CMDB software offers high security using 2F authentication using Google, encryption techniques, CSRF protection and some others. It is powered by AWS and hence, provides fast connections. It is mobile friendly, web based and run on any operating system. Moreover, this open source CMDB tool is extensible and provides a RESTful interface for third party integrations such as LDAP, Slack . Further, it is multilingual and offers support for many languages. However, there are rich options for data backup that need just one click.
This configuration management software comes with SAML based SSO capabilities. Above all, the user interface of this IT configuration management software is quite logical where users can navigate easily. The admin dashboard of this resource management platform shows all the assets along with their details. In addition, there is an activity snapshot where all the performed activities are listed. There are many other features such as email alerts, asset auditing, import/export options and many more.
Snipe-IT is mainly written in PHP along with the input from other languages such as JavaScript and CSS. This open source CMDB software also provides integration with barcode scanners and QR code reader apps. Therefore, there is enough documentation available regarding development and deployment.
Snipe-IT has an excellent feature list and some of them are:
- Open Source
- 2F Authentication
- SAML Support
- Secure
- Cross-Platform
- Slack Integration
- LDAP Integration
- Import/Export
- Activity Log Management
Installing using Docker
Once you have installed the pre-requisites, run the following command to pull the Docker image:
docker pull snipe/snipe-it
Next, create .env file named “my_env_file” and place the following data:
# Mysql Parameters MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=YOUR_SUPER_SECRET_PASSWORD MYSQL_DATABASE=snipeit MYSQL_USER=snipeit MYSQL_PASSWORD=YOUR_snipeit_USER_PASSWORD # Email Parameters # - the hostname/IP address of your mailserver MAIL_PORT_587_TCP_ADDR=smtp.whatever.com #the port for the mailserver (probably 587, could be another) MAIL_PORT_587_TCP_PORT=587 # the default from address, and from name for emails MAIL_ENV_FROM_ADDR=youremail@yourdomain.com MAIL_ENV_FROM_NAME=Your Full Email Name # - pick 'tls' for SMTP-over-SSL, 'tcp' for unencrypted MAIL_ENV_ENCRYPTION=tcp # SMTP username and password MAIL_ENV_USERNAME=your_email_username MAIL_ENV_PASSWORD=your_email_password # Snipe-IT Settings APP_ENV=production APP_DEBUG=false APP_KEY=<<Fill in Later!>> APP_URL= APP_TIMEZONE=US/Pacific APP_LOCALE=en
Now, run the following command to run MySQL container:
docker run --name snipe-mysql --env-file=my_env_file --mount source=snipesql-vol,target=/var/lib/mysql -d -P mysql:5.6
Finally, you can spin the docker container with the following command:
docker run --rm snipe/snipe-it